October 2013

FIRST EDITION: Thanks to SEMLA Board Members (Sarah Dorsey, Cheryl Gowing, Leslie Kamtman, Lois Kuyper-Rushing), and past and present officers/editors (Robert Curtis, Laurie Gibson, Neil Hughes, Lynne Jaffe, Margaret Kaus, Edward Komara, Jennifer Ottervik, Ann Viles, and Dennis Wujcik) for your advice, hard work and many contributions to the creation of this Handbook. Roberta Chodacki, compiler

SECOND EDITION (2004): Thanks go to the original compiler, Roberta Chodacki Ford, without whom there would have been no first edition and therefore no present edition. Thanks also go to present SEMLA board members (Lenny Bertrand, Kirstin Dougan, Diane Steinhaus, Laurel Whisler) and past and present officers and editors (Neil Hughes, David Hursh, Lynn Jacobson, Steve Mantz, Lois Kuyper-Rushing, and Lee Richardson, Alan Ringwood) for their help in compiling a document which more closely represents reality as we know it. Sarah Dorsey, compiler

THIRD EDITION (2013): Thanks to previous compilers Roberta Ford and Sarah Dorsey for laying the groundwork for the current compiler, and to present SEMLA board members and officers (Grover Baker, Joyce Clinkscales, David Hursh, Leslie Kamtman, Lois Kuyper-Rushing, Elizabeth McCraw, Jacob Schaub, Amy Strickland) for their invaluable help in bringing the handbook up-to-date. Renée McBride, compiler

The SEMLA Chapter Board gratefully acknowledges the Pacific Northwest MLA Chapter for allowing SEMLA to use their Handbook as a model.



Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect and/or Past Chair



Local Arrangements Chair

Newsletter Editor

Web Editor



I. Job Description

The Chair shall perform all duties customary to this office as outlined in the Chapter By-Laws and Constitution and Robert’s Rules of Order, including conducting all chapter business meetings and representing the chapter membership in an official capacity.

II. Duties

A. Preside at all meetings.

B. Call meetings of the Chapter or Executive Board as required.

C. Responsible for the general supervision and affairs of the chapter.

D. Serve as official liaison to MLA, through MLA’s Chapter Liaison (alternately MLA Past-President or Vice-President/President-Elect).

E. Appoint committees and their Chairs as specified in the Chapter By-Laws and Constitution.

F. Undertake official correspondence on behalf of the Chapter as appropriate.

G. Serve as co-signer when Treasurer creates a new account.

H. Submit a “From the Chair” column for each issue of the Chapter Newsletter.

I. Maintain files pertinent to current Chapter activities. Forward archival materials to SEMLA Archives and/or the MLA Archives at the University of Maryland.

(Other chapter officers are responsible for submitting chapter publications to MLA Archives at time of printing.)

J. Solicit invitations for annual chapter meetings.

K. Update Chapter Officers’ Handbook as necessary.

III. Timetable

General Activities Conducted Throughout the Year

Send out letters of invitation, a membership registration/dues form, and a copy of the latest issue of Breve Notes to prospective SEMLA members. (Consult with Secretary/Treasurer to maintain latest version of dues form. Breve Notes Editor will forward a master copy of each Newsletter issue to Chair to duplicate and send out, as needed.)


A. Directly following annual fall Business Meeting:

  1. Notify MLA’s Chapter Liaison of new officers.
  2. In conjunction with Local Arrangements Chair and Program Chair, send thank you notes to all meeting presenters and sponsors on behalf of the Chapter.
  3. Update chapter Calendar and send copies to all people concerned.
  4. Appoint Nominating Committee members (in consultation with the committee chair).
  5. Appoint Program Committee members (in consultation with the committee chair).
  6. If just taking office, work with Secretary/Treasurer to update bank account and IRS filing information.

B. Upon his/her request, file annual report with the MLA Chapter Liaison outlining Chapter activities and listing officers of the Chapter (submission deadline may be before annual meeting).


C. Submit column for January Breve Notes.

D. Publicize information about interim business meeting in Breve Notes and/or on the listserv prior to the meeting.


E. Serve as the chapter’s representative at the national meeting. Attend the annual Chapter Chairs breakfast or appoint a deputy to attend.

F. Chair interim business meeting. Conduct a straw vote to select a site for the fall meeting as needed. Try to stay 1-2 years ahead.

G. Conduct a vote of the Executive Board on the membership’s straw vote recommendation concerning a future meeting site as needed.

H. Touch base with Program, Local Arrangements, and Nominating Committee Chairs to get progress reports on fall meeting.


I. Submit column for April issue of Breve Notes

J. Solicit proposals and forward chapter grant application(s) to the MLA Board as appropriate. The deadline is usually in mid-June.

K. Send dates and place of fall chapter meeting to MLA Newsletter Editor for inclusion in upcoming “Calendar” column.


L. Continue to correspond with Program, Local Arrangements, and Nominating Committee Chairs on progress of fall meeting. Make sure the Program and Local Arrangements Chairs work with the Secretary/Treasurer to develop a meeting budget and determine a registration fee.

M. Schedule interim Board and business meetings at next MLA Annual Meeting.

N. Submit column for August issue of Breve Notes.


O. Work with Editor to insure a chapter member has been identified to write a report of the meeting for inclusion in the January issue of Breve Notes and the upcoming issue of the MLA Newsletter.

At the Annual Meeting

P. Call board meeting if necessary (Friday breakfast or lunch usually work).

Q. Conduct business meeting.

R. Upon relinquishing office: Send appropriate files to new Chapter Chair and/or SEMLA/MLA Archivists.

For one year following his/her term of office, the Past Chair shall continue to serve as a voting member of the Executive Board.

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I. Job Description

The Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect and/or Past Chair shall preside at meetings in the absence of the Chair, oversee committees and special projects of the Chapter, and assist the Chair as assigned.

II. Duties

A. Serve as Chair if the Chair is unable to serve.

B. Serve as Chair of the SEMLA Travel Grant Committee.

C. Serve as Chair of the SEMLA Best-of-Chapter Committee.

D. Assist with the general supervision of the group and work on special projects as designated by the Chair.

E. Participate as a voting member of the Executive Board.

III. Timetable

A. Timetable of SEMLA Travel Grant:

  1. Appoint committee (two other people) shortly after MLA Annual Meeting.
  2. In early March, update Travel Grant website.
  3. Send out announcement to SEMLA-L calling for applications, and include a link to the updated Travel Grant website. The announcement should be sent in March, May and July. The Travel Grant website should be linked from the SEMLA Annual Meeting website when it is up and running. Get current mileage rate from IRS website (http://www.irs.gov/index.html). Also, include in the announcement that requests for mileage reimbursement should be for total round-trip mileage.
  4. Application deadline should be at least one month before meeting so the recipient has enough time to complete her/his travel plans. See SEMLA website for announcement.

B. Timetable of MLA Best-of-Chapter:

  1. MLA Best of Chapter Committee chair notifies SEMLA Chapter Chair of schedule and invites nominations (usually April).
  2. Assemble a committee of two other people shortly after SEMLA Annual Meeting.
  3. Solicit nominations from the membership on SEMLA-L shortly after committee is assembled.
  4. May: deadline for nominations to go to MLA BoC Chair. Chapter Chair submits the nomination(s).
  5. June: papers due to national BoC Chair.
  6. July: announcement of winners.

C. Execute duties throughout the year as needed.

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I. Job Description

The Secretary/Treasurer shall maintain membership records, collect dues and make authorized expenditures, keep an accurate account of the Chapter’s income and expenditures, and record the minutes of the Business meetings. Excellent organizational and time management skills are essential.

II. Duties

As Secretary:

A. Record minutes of the annual fall SEMLA Business Meeting and the minutes of the interim SEMLA meeting during the annual national MLA meeting.

B. Send copies of previous meeting’s minutes to newsletter editor for inclusion in Breve Notes.

C. Make copies of the minutes of the previous meeting available at the next Business meeting.

D. Maintain membership database.

E. When the membership votes to amend the Constitution or By-Laws the Secretary/Treasurer receives ballots from the membership and reports the results to the Chair.

F. Maintain appropriate files. Forward appropriate archival materials to the Chapter Archivist and to the MLA Archives at the University of Maryland. For more detail see Archivist description below.

G. Participate as a voting member of the Executive Board.

As Treasurer:

A. Format, maintain, and distribute dues forms (both electronic and paper).

B. Collect dues and maintain records of dues payments.

C. Collect all other income (donations, meeting registrations, chapter publications, etc.) and maintain accurate records. NOTE: Local arrangements for the fall meeting will vary from year to year. Registration fees may be sent to the Local Arrangements Chair first, then forwarded to the Secretary-Treasurer, or they may be sent directly to the Secretary-Treasurer. In some instances, registration fees may be paid directly to the host institution.

D. Send letters of acknowledgment for donations.

E. Establish and maintain a checking account for the Chapter. Pay bills and reimburse SEMLA members for authorized expenditures. Make deposits and maintain all financial accounts and financial records. Make copies of all checks before depositing.

F. Maintain a separate accounting record for the Travel Grant Fund, to track money designated for support of the Pauline Shaw Bayne Travel Grant. Add to the Travel Grant Fund $5.00 of every Regular and Institutional/Corporate dues payment, amounts donated in support of the Travel Grant, and other amounts as instructed by the Executive Board. Subtract from this fund reimbursements to awardees and any other expenses associated with the grant.

G. Provide the membership with financial and membership information in the Treasurer’s Report given at each Business Meeting and included in the minutes that appear in the January and April newsletters.

H. Maintain appropriate correspondence pertinent to financial issues.

I. Forward appropriate archival materials to the Chapter Archivist and to the MLA Archives at the University of Maryland. For more detail see Archivist description below.

J. Participate as a voting member of the Executive Board.

III. Timetable

A. Soon after each Business Meeting write up minutes. Submit a copy of the minutes to the newsletter editor for inclusion in Breve Notes by the editor’s announced deadlines.

B. For the April newsletter, include a renewal notice/form.

C. At beginning of June, send renewal reminder to SEMLA-L.

D. For the August newsletter, include a renewal notice/form for late-payers.

E. Bring the up-to-date membership list to the fall meeting for the Nominating Committee to use for verification when counting ballots.

F. After July 1 of each year, members who have not paid dues for the current and previous membership years should be deleted from the membership rolls. Notify the Chapter Chair of these deletions. Designate as “In Arrears” any member who hasn’t paid dues for the current year.

G. By January 15 of each year, send letters of acknowledgment for donations made during the previous year.

Tax-Exempt Status: MLA Chapters are all tax-exempt, so banks should be willing to waive fees on checking accounts. Fees for new check printing will still be charged.

The Secretary/Treasurer keeps MLA’s group exemption number and SEMLA’s Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) on file. The MLA Administrative Officer files the annual epostcard tax return for all chapters, though the SEMLA chair may receive notices from the IRS as well.

Dues: According to the By-Laws, the membership year is July 1 to June 30. New members who join the chapter after January 1 will have their dues applied to the next membership year.

Passing on the office: The new Secretary/Treasurer needs to select a bank before s/he can effectively assume the financial responsibilities of the position. No change in banks may be necessary, depending on the institutions located in the Secretary/ Treasurer’s area. If a new bank is selected, a checking account needs to be established and checks ordered once the funds are withdrawn from the previous financial institution and delivered to the new Secretary/Treasurer. If the Chapter has a certificate of deposit, this will usually be transferred to the new bank upon maturity. A convenient time for the transfer of responsibilities is after all the expenses of the annual meeting have been submitted and reimbursed.

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Member-at-Large: PROGRAM COMMITTEE CHAIR (year one)

I. Job Description

The first-year Member-at-Large shall serve as Program Committee Chair, serve on the Board, and assist the SEMLA Chair with ongoing and special projects.

II. Duties

Participate as a voting member of the Executive Board. In addition to Board duties and projects, serve as Program Chair for the annual meeting and work in conjunction with the Local Arrangements Committee Chair. Communicate with membership via Breve Notes and SEMLA-L by soliciting program ideas and announcing program highlights. Prepare final program for distribution to membership with meeting materials.

III. Timetable

A. November: Confer with Chair on naming of two to three Program Committee members. The Local Arrangements Chair needs to be a member of the Program Committee.

B. Early January: Submit a call for program ideas to SEMLA-L. Mention that presenters are expected to register for the meeting.

C. February Interim Chapter Meeting: Announce a call for program ideas. If not in attendance, arrange for announcement to be made. Gather program committee members for preliminary meeting after the interim chapter meeting. Stay in close communication with Local Arrangements.

D. Spring: Solicit call for papers in April issue of Breve Notes. Work with Local Arrangements Committee Chair to develop local interest program ideas for the upcoming annual meeting. Local Arrangements Chair coordinates contacting the local speakers. Contact potential SEMLA speakers as far in advance as possible. Request a biography for use as an introduction at the annual meeting. Coordinate speakers’ technical needs with the assets available in the meeting rooms in consultation with Local Arrangements.

E. Late July: Provide Newsletter Editor with final program for distribution with meeting materials in August issue of Breve Notes. Provide Local Arrangements and Web Editor with program information for posting to the website. Announce conference on SEMLA-L. Prior to annual meeting, provide printed program for inclusion with registration materials.

F. At the Annual Meeting: Make sure speakers are comfortable with arrangements (provide water for all and make sure they know where restrooms are located) and continue coordination with Local Arrangements. Open sessions with a welcome to attendees and introduce committee and Local Arrangements Chair. Allow time for local introductions and announcements. Introduce speakers.

G. Shortly after the Annual Meeting, in conjunction with Local Arrangements Chair and Chapter Chair, write thank you letters to presenters.

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Member-at-Large: NOMINATING COMMITTEE CHAIR (year two)

I. Job Description

The second-year Member-at-Large shall serve as Nominating Committee Chair, serves on the Board, and assists the SEMLA Chair with ongoing and special projects. Participate as a voting member of the Executive Board.

II. Charge to Nominating Committee

For each annual election, the Committee shall provide a slate of qualified candidates along with biographical statements. The officers shall be elected as follows: the Vice-Chair/Chair -Elect and one Member-at-Large in even-numbered years and the Secretary/Treasurer and one Member-at-Large in odd-numbered years. At least two candidates shall be identified to run for each vacant office.

III. Timetable and Process

A. Following the annual business meeting, at which time the Nominating Committee Chair assumes duties, the SEMLA Chair (in consultation with the Nominating Committee Chair) shall appoint two additional members to the Nominating Committee.

  1. Neither of the additional members may be a member of the Board.
  2. Committee appointments should ideally be in place by the interim meeting at the succeeding MLA Annual Conference.
  3. Committee members assist the Committee Chair in identifying and contacting potential candidates.

B. Potential candidates shall be identified by soliciting the membership and through the Committee’s knowledge of the strengths and interests of the membership. Ideas for candidates may come from such sources as: lists of members attending meetings, members participating in programs, considering evidence of professional activity (committees, articles, presentations, teaching, etc.), and expressed interest.

  1. Committee Chair submits a call for nominations at the interim business meeting held during the MLA Annual Conference and via SEMLA-L. If not in attendance, arrange for announcement to be made.
  2. A call for nominations is to be submitted to the Newsletter Editor in time for the April issue of Breve Notes.
  3. Candidates for office must be members in good standing of the Southeast Chapter. Candidates for the offices of Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect and Secretary/ Treasurer must be members of MLA, Inc.
  4. No name shall be placed in nomination without permission of the nominee.

C. Late Spring: Committee members contact potential candidates.

  1. Potential candidates shall be directed to the Chapter Officers’ Handbook on the chapter website for information about duties and expectations of the office being considered. They shall be encouraged to contact the current holder of the office to learn more about the duties.
  2. Candidates must submit a brief biographical sketch to the Committee Chair prior to the publication deadline for the August issue of Breve Notes. Bios typically list work and educational history, professional memberships, committee appointments, performing/research interests, etc.

D. Not later than sixty (60) days before the fall meeting, the Nominating Committee shall submit to the Chapter Chair the names of two nominees for each office, together with a written statement from each nominee indicating consent to serve if elected.

E. By the August Newsletter deadline, the Chair shall submit to the Editor the biographical sketches for each candidate and a ballot. Ballots must be sent via email to Chapter members no later than thirty (30) days before the fall meeting.

  1. The ballot shall be printed on a separate page in the newsletter.
  2. The following shall be supplied for each candidate: name, institution, and space to mark voter’s choice.
  3. The ballot shall include a space for write-in votes for each vacant office.
  4. The following additional information and instructions shall be provided on the ballot and in email:
    • Deadline for submission (one week before annual meeting)
    • Name and addresses of Nominating Committee Chair as the return address
    • The special voting instruction “Vote for only one candidate for each office.”
    • Ballot instructions should include: “Members must sign the outside of the mailing envelope so that membership status can be verified before the votes are counted. It is suggested that members also write “ballot” on the envelope to prevent confusion in the event that they need to correspond with the Committee Chair during the balloting process.”
  5. Ballots that are postmarked after the deadline for submission or for which the membership status could not be verified should be discarded.
  6. Ballots should not be opened until the official count is taken.

F. Ballots may be returned by email, postal mail or in person at the fall business meeting.

  1. At the fall business meeting, the Committee Chair obtains an updated membership roster from the Secretary/Treasurer and verifies membership status of all voters
  2. Nominating Committee Chair, assisted by at least one other member of the committee, shall count the ballots and announce the election results to the membership during the business meeting.
  3. Candidates receiving the majority of the total votes cast will be considered elected. If no majority is reached on the first ballot, voting shall be continued among the members present until one candidate receives a majority.

G. Officers shall assume their duties at the close of the business meeting at which they are elected.

  1. The Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect shall spend one year in that office, two years as Chair, and one year as Past-Chair.
  2. All other terms of office shall be for two years, and all other officers may serve a maximum of two consecutive terms in the same office.

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I. Charge

The Local Arrangements Committee is responsible for hosting the Chapter’s annual meeting. The annual meeting of the chapter is held in the fall (usually mid-October) on a Thursday-Saturday schedule. When setting meeting dates, avoid religious holidays whenever possible. (As an example, a list of Jewish holidays can be found at this link.) The meeting generally begins on Thursday evening with registration and social events and ends at noon on Saturday with the business meeting. If possible, participants enjoy having refreshments available before morning sessions and at break times. It has become traditional to have a “banquet” on Friday night. Some Local Arrangements Chairs have arranged optional outings for Saturday afternoon.

II. Budget Process

The annual meeting should be self-supporting. When projecting a budget, the Committee should expect an average of 40 attendees. Registration income should cover expenses, which, among other things, may include refreshments, photocopying, postage, and honoraria for outside (non-chapter member) speakers (amounts to be pre-determined by the Board). It should include a margin to allow for outside speakers being invited as guests. Additional financial assistance may be sought from the sponsoring institution and other donors for refreshments, transportation, packet materials, banquet, etc. Budgetary decisions include cost of registration, banquet cost (determined in consultation with banquet provider), and payment (pay individually or as part of registration). LAC Chair should feel free to consult previous LAC Chairs for advice.

III. Timetable

A. Deadlines:

  1. Set the early registration deadline for one month prior to the meeting.
  2. Have the conference website up and running a minimum of two months prior to the meeting.

B. For the April Newsletter: Provide the Newsletter Editor with dates and location of the annual meeting for inclusion in the Newsletter. Also, post on SEMLA-L, and start a website and/or work with the SEMLA Web Editor to provide access to meeting information via the Chapter website.

C. Beginning in the Spring:

  1. As a member of the Program Committee, work with Program Chair to develop programming ideas for the annual meeting and to identify possible speakers. LAC Chair focuses on contributing ideas for potential local speakers. Contact potential speakers as far in advance as possible. If considering offering honoraria, consult Board in advance (see Budget Process above).
  2. Identify local hotel or campus housing willing to offer special conference rates to attendees. Block approximately 30 rooms per night (based on previous attendance). Check on airport shuttle service and parking at the hotel.
  3. Choose a site for the reception and entertainment if desired.
  4. Choose site for Friday evening banquet. The restaurant must be able to accommodate 30-40 people. Menu should include beef and/or chicken, seafood, and vegetarian option. If a monetary deposit is required, contact Treasurer. Other cost considerations should be: rental fee for space, bartender during cocktail hour, gratuity and entertainment if desired

D. Three months prior to meeting:

  1. With Program Committee, confirm speakers and determine their AV needs, if any.
  2. Reserve meeting room space with host institution based on program and AV needs.
  3. If desired, plan after-conference event(s) for attendees. Begin making necessary arrangements.
  4. Contact local tourism and/or Chamber of Commerce for brochures and ideas for post-meeting activities.
  5. Contact University and local media.
  6. Registration details to consider include software selection, badges, folders and receipts.
  7. Compile and/or gather the following materials. Submit them to the Newsletter Editor for the August issue and post on the conference website:
    • Cover letter of welcome
    • Lodging information
    • Directions to the meeting site, shuttle services, parking information, appropriate map(s).
    • Fees: Registration, Dinner – [checks made out to SEMLA with everything sent to Local Arrangements Chair who forwards checks to the Secretary/Treasurer.]
    • Program information
    • Information on local sights and events taking place during the conference.
  8. Via SEMLA-L send occasional reminders about: meal choice, airport transportation needs, length of stay, registration deadline, and contact information.

E. Directly in advance of meeting:

  1. Arrange for morning and break refreshments either through university catering or an outside sponsor. Quantity should be based on projected registration. Refreshments may also be purchased by the Local Arrangements Committee and receipts submitted to Treasurer for reimbursement. Or, SEMLA may also be billed by the institution. If self-catering, schedule staffing for set-up, serving, and breakdown.
  2. If appropriate, arrange for transportation from the airport to the hotel and then from the hotel to the reception and to the conference. Arrange for drivers to help transport people. Try to get as much detailed information on who arrives when so as to batch people so they can ride together. Remember some institutions have restrictions on who can drive their vehicles. Plan ahead.
  3. Arrange for Thursday evening reception based on the above criteria. Consider the following: Open or cash bar (cost of beverages and/or corkage fee), cost of bartender, hors d’oeuvres, entertainment, transport to and from the reception, staff to handle on-site registration, packets should be ready to distribute to attendees at opening reception and following morning.
  4. Arrange for AV equipment to be placed in the various meeting spaces.
  5. Plan opening/welcoming remarks.
  6. Schedule tours of buildings, library, etc.
  7. Advertise meeting in local libraries and newspapers, the university library school, the School of Music, the main library, if applicable, etc.
  8. Begin assembling packets for registrants. Materials should include the following: local maps, a list of near-by restaurant choices for Friday and Saturday, calendar of events taking place during the conference, information on things to do in the area, banquet tickets, receipt for registration, printed program, list of participants, Business meeting agenda, information about the host institution, and name tag.
  9. Responsibilities during the conference include transportation, staffing the registration desk Thursday night and Friday morning, computer set-up and support.
  10. Locations to identify (signs? People to show the way?) for conference attendees include meeting locations, restrooms, places to eat (especially Friday lunch and possibly Saturday).
  11. Plan and execute after-conference activities if desired.

F. Directly following the meeting:

  1. Submit receipts for meeting expenses to the Secretary/Treasurer for reimbursement.
  2. Assist Chapter Chair in writing thank-you letters.

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I. Job Description

The newsletter editor shall be responsible for the content and preparation of the Chapter Newsletter entitled Breve Notes. This includes soliciting items for publication, editing contributions, doing layout, and preparing a PDF file for the website. Newsletter editor does not hold a voting position on the Executive Board.

Associate editors may be selected by the editor in consultation with the Chapter Chair, as needed.

The Newsletter Editor has administrative privileges to SEMLA’s Facebook page.

II. Process

A. The Newsletter is published three times a year, in January, April and August.

B. The items included in each volume are as follows:

  1. Header
  2. Message from the Chair
  3. New Member update
  4. Feature article
  5. News of interest to the membership
  6. Editor name and addresses and phone number
  7. Current officers’ names and addresses
  8. “How to join” information box with SEMLA webpage address included.

C. Individual issues include the following:

  1. January issue:
    • Chapter meeting program report
    • Chapter Fall business meeting minutes and treasurer’s report
    • From the Chair column
  2. April issue:
    • Membership renewal notice
    • Call for nominations from Nominating Committee Chair
    • Call for presentations from Program Committee Chair
    • From the Chair column
    • Chapter interim business meeting minutes and treasurer’s report
  3. August issue:
    • Membership renewal notice for late-payers
    • Program for annual chapter meeting
    • Local arrangements information for annual meeting
    • Candidate biographies for SEMLA officer positions
    • Registration form for the chapter meeting
    • Ballot
    • From the Chair column

D. A complete file of past Breve Notes (electronic copies) should be maintained in coordination with the Archivist.

III. Timetable

A. Throughout the year: Collect items of interest from MLA newsletters, other MLA chapter newsletters, MLA mailings, and other appropriate sources for inclusion in Breve Notes.

B. October: Attend chapter meeting, take photos or assign someone to do so, encourage members to contribute news and articles to the newsletter, give past photos, correspondence, etc., to the chapter archivist.

C. November-early December: Call for submissions for January issue

D. December-early January: Edit January issue

E. January: Prepare PDF file for SEMLA website and send to Web Editor. Announce publication of issue on SEMLA-L in consultation with Web Editor, on MLA-L, and post a link to the issue on SEMLA’s Facebook page.

F. Early March: Call for submissions for April issue

G. March-early April: Edit April issue

H. April: Prepare PDF file for SEMLA website and send to Web Editor. Announce publication of issue on SEMLA-L in consultation with Web Editor, on MLA-L, and post a link to the issue on SEMLA’s Facebook page.

I. Early July: Call for submissions for August issue

J. July-early August: Edit August issue

K. Prepare PDF file for SEMLA website and send to Web Editor. Announce publication of issue on SEMLA-L in consultation with Web Editor, on MLA-L, and post a link to the issue on SEMLA’s Facebook page. The August issue must be published no later than one week before the Travel Grant application deadline.

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I. Job Description

The Web Editor shall be responsible for the maintenance of the SEMLA website, an official publication of the chapter. The website functions as the repository of the official versions of the chapter’s Constitution, Bylaws, Chapter Officers’ Handbook and of The Directory of Music Collections in the Southeast United States. The Web Editor is responsible to the SEMLA Executive Board. The Web Editor serves as a special chapter officer, appointed annually for an unlimited number of consecutive terms. This office does not constitute a voting position on the Executive Board.

II. Duties

The Web Editor updates the SEMLA website in a regular and timely manner and in coordination with the SEMLA Executive Board. The Web Editor is responsible for the website’s design to ensure currency of all content, compatibility with current browsers, ease of navigation, appropriate graphic design, and to create an accurate and professional representation of the chapter on the World Wide Web. Together with the Executive Board, develops and maintains submission guidelines for the site. Encourages new content, appearance, and uses for the site in coordination with the Executive Board, the editor of Breve Notes, the SEMLA membership, and various chapter committees. The Web Editor also has administrative privileges to and maintains SEMLA’s Facebook page.

III. Timetable

Works in cooperation with the Newsletter Editor to ensure timely access to current issues of Breve Notes.

Submits a brief, summary annual report to the Executive Board in time for the chapter’s annual meeting.

In early Spring and early Fall, sends message to SEMLA-L about SEMLA’s Facebook page, encouraging participation.

Executes other duties throughout the year as needed.

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I. Job Description

The Archivist serves as a special chapter officer, appointed annually for an unlimited number of consecutive terms. This office does not constitute a position on the Executive Board.

II. Duties

The Chapter Archive is maintained by the Chapter Archivist and consist of chapter documents, photographs, scrapbooks, and other materials considered worthy of preservation. Materials in the Archive will be arranged, processed and preserved according to current archival standards. For more detailed information refer to the MLA document “Guidelines for Transfer of Official Documents to the MLA Archives“.

III. Timetable

Execute other duties throughout the year as needed.

Archive full container list

Archive brief container list

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