SEMLA Invites Applications for the Pauline Shaw Bayne Travel Grant

The SEMLA Travel Grant Committee is now accepting applications for the Pauline Shaw Bayne Travel Grant. The grant supports portions of the expenses related to attending this year’s annual SEMLA chapter meeting at Furman University in Greenville, SC, October 24-26, 2024.

The Travel Grant may be awarded for up to $500*

The application deadline is September 16, 2024

Please note that music library paraprofessionals, support staff, and library school students are eligible for this opportunity and are encouraged to apply.

The grant winner is expected to join SEMLA prior to attending the conference. Dues are only $5 for students and $15 for others.

Eligibility Requirements:
Applicants must reside at the time of the meeting in one of the states or territories comprising SEMLA (Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North and South Carolina, Tennessee and Puerto Rico), and also be in at least one of the following eligible categories:

  1. A graduate student (by the time of the conference in October 2024), aspiring to become a music librarian/archivist.
  2. A recent graduate (within one year of degree) of a graduate program who is seeking a professional position as a music librarian/archivist.
  3. A music librarian (holding a Master of Library Science degree or qualifications granting an equivalent status at her/his employing institution, e.g., a certified archivist with other graduate degree working extensively with music materials) in the first two years of her/his professional career.
  4. A library paraprofessional/support professional working with music materials as a significant portion of his/her job responsibilities.


Applicants in categories 1-3 must not have attended more than one prior SEMLA meeting before applying for the grant. This restriction does not apply to paraprofessionals/support professionals.

To Apply:
Applicants must submit the following to SEMLA Travel Grant Committee Chair, Laura Williams, by September 16, 2024:

  1. A letter that includes the following information:
    a. Why would you like to attend the upcoming SEMLA meeting?
    b. Confirmation that you meet the eligibility requirements.
    c. Please describe your funding needs, including the following:
            i. An estimate of your anticipated costs (N.B.: The SEMLA hotel rate is $159.99 per night plus taxes).
            ii. Information about any other grants, matching funds, or institutional support you expect to receive.
  2. A current résumé or curriculum vitae.
  3. List one reference and their contact information.

If you have any questions, please contact Laura by email at or phone at (919)-660-5952.

*Reimbursable expenses include: conference registration; lodging for the two nights of the conference (Thursday and Friday) at one-half of the double occupancy rate plus taxes; subsistence expenses (“Meals and Incidental Expenses”) at the CONUS rate for one full day (Friday) and two partial days (Thursday and Saturday); travel by car/plane/train/bus, generally by the least expensive method. The request for reimbursement must be submitted to the SEMLA Secretary-Treasurer by December 20, 2024.

Please note that SEMLA may elect to pay directly for travel and hotel expenses on the recipient’s behalf and only supply the balance, if any, of an award following the meeting. If mileage for a personal vehicle is awarded, it will be paid at the current IRS rate at the time of the conference. (The business standard mileage rate beginning January 1, 2024, is 67 cents per mile.)